>kill those sproke!!!
>those crackers
>going to private fancy schools
>with those fancy kwakis+sports
>w\thier m---- daddies mustangs
>+ convertables ----
>fuck you little shits
>I wish to shoot you weakass
>dicks w/ your mop yellow hair
>wanna Kill all you little crackers!!!
>Bunch of little faggots
>w\ your whale privlages
>fuck you faggots
- Reply
>those crackers
>going to private fancy schools
>with those fancy kwakis+sports
>w\thier m---- daddies mustangs
>+ convertables ----
>fuck you little shits
>I wish to shoot you weakass
>dicks w/ your mop yellow hair
>wanna Kill all you little crackers!!!
>Bunch of little faggots
>w\ your whale privlages
>fuck you faggots
- Reply